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a heart across the ocean

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The Colours of Mothers

“The Colours of Mothers” by Riyani Indriyati is a captivating collection of narratives that celebrates the diverse experiences of motherhood across the globe. This anthology features 22 contributors from different parts of the world, each sharing a unique and heartfelt story that portrays the extraordinary traits and indomitable spirit of mothers.

Beautifully narrated with raw honesty and vulnerability, these stories resonate deeply, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the joys, challenges, and complexities of motherhood. Once you start reading, it may be hard for you to stop until you reach the end. Indeed, it is a proverbial page turner.  

While motherhood serves as its common thread, the stories also beautifully illustrate the richness and diversity of women’s experiences. Each tale evokes a spectrum of maternal journeys, traversing differences in cultures, colors, languages, and religions. However, amidst this diversity, one constant remains: the unyielding spirit of a mother’s heart, the steadfast force that truly transcends all boundaries.

Heartwarming. Inspiring. Powerful. This book is a must-read for all children, as it offers a profound appreciation for the unconditional sacrifices and unwavering love that mothers embody. Through these powerful narratives, readers will surely gain a deeper understanding and respect for the extraordinary women who have nurtured and shaped their lives.

“The Colours of Mothers” is the perfect gift to honor the remarkable women, Our Mothers, who have embraced the sacred role of motherhood. It’s a great read, and I highly HIGHLY recommend it!

Happy Mother’s Day!