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a heart across the ocean

City of Lights – and Love

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Like many people, I romanticize the idea of Paris. Thanks to productions like “Lovers in Paris”, one of my favorite Korean soap operas, I fell in love not only with its characters but also the stunning backdrop of Paris’ architectural landmarks. Its spectacular beauty surely sparked my obsession to see Paris for myself.

The Eiffel Tower was, of course, on top of my bucket list. Thus, despite my husband’s skepticism and some resistance, I stood my ground and made sure that it would be on our itinerary.

After a short stay in Barcelona, we headed to Paris. With Barcelona situated in the northeast corner of Spain, and Paris situated in the north of France, there is still a large distance of 644 miles (1,036 kilometers) between these two major metropolises. Nonetheless, despite the long ride by train, our trip went by fast with the scenic view that kept us oblivious to the passing of time. I guess, I should also give credit to my comedic husband; his sense of humor is unmatched and it came in handy and kept our travel enjoyable and a breeze.

We arrived in the main rail station in Paris mid-afternoon and was immediately welcomed by a jam-packed station. It was so crowded that finding the exits was an ordeal. Honestly, we couldn’t wait to get out and escape the human avalanche of people pouring in and out of the station. Thankfully, it didn’t take long before we found our way out to the long queue of passengers like us who were also waiting for taxi rides. While I was mesmerized by my first sight of Paris, it was hard to ignore the temperature. It was freezing cold outside and my fingertips and ear lobes started feeling numb. However, we had no option but to brace the bitter cold and bundled ourselves up in our winter coats while longing for some Florida heat. 

How will I describe the experience?
It’s hard.
I can’t even put my feelings into words. I guess it’s because I already had my preconceived notion even before we arrived in Paris. I’ve always imagined that Paris is a beautiful city. And yes indeed, it’s simply magical!

City Tour of Paris

We booked our accommodation at Mercure Hotel out by the smaller airport. While it was quite a distance from the city’s bustling center, we thought that it came with an unforeseen perk. For one, besides airport accessibility, instead of walking in brutal winter cold, we were compelled to book a taxi that gave us a tour and opportunity to take in more of the capital than a Metro ride might have shown.

Mercure Hotel

Our driver navigated the narrow-tangled streets, gesturing at historic architecture as we passed. Our first stop was, of course, Eiffel Tower. We circled it a couple of times before parking on one of its sides to give us time to admire its towering beauty. Honestly, we didn’t expect it to be larger than life, but it was.  Oh, what a treat!

Eiffel Tower

Next, we headed to Louve Museum, but en route, we detoured down a narrow lane flanked with ateliers of Parisian haute couture designers. Sleek fashionistas in trendy coats and bags didn’t escape my curious eyes. They quickly sashayed across the cobbled stone and disappeared in some chic boutique entrance. I couldn’t help but beam in excitement just imagining how many models and high society socialites would line up here during Fashion Week.

My fashion fever did not last long, however. It suddenly cooled when the Louve slowly emerged into our view. Oh wow, we were not prepared for its elegance. No photograph we took could capture the palatial scope of it; its exterior definitely left us over the moon.

Louve Museum

As we expected, it was super crowded and we needed to get a ticket to get in, all very time consuming. I don’t know about my husband, but I yearned to return here one day at leisure and hopefully explore more of its endless galleries. Yes, I would love to the see the iconic painting of Mona Lisa and more.  But for now, I’m quite content just to etch its beautiful facade into memory.

After a few hours of sight-seeing, my husband and I were ready to head back to our hotel. While our tour seemed like information overload for us, nonetheless, we were happy to breathe the air of Paris while taking it all in. Until next time.

“A walk about Paris will provide lessons in history, beauty, and in the point of life.” – Thomas Jefferson

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