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a heart across the ocean



After staying in Valencia for over a week, my husband and I felt we had accomplished our goals and it was time to pack up for our next destination – the City of Lights. With Paris being about 898 miles from Valencia, the train journey would take us nearly 11 hours. Thus, my husband suggested stopping in Barcelona for a few days to break up the long trip.

My heart sang hallelujah at the idea, as Barcelona was high on my bucket list. My husband preferred small towns over big cities, so you can imagine, Barcelona was way below his radar. Nonetheless, I guess there is truth to the saying, “If it’s meant to be, it will be.”

On our way to Barcelona’s Sants Station, my mind filled with visions of unique architecture and spectacular beaches. However, with just three hotel nights booked, my expectations remained modest. Our goals were pretty straight forward – mainly to rest up before another 7 hours on the train to Paris, and to visit the iconic Sagrada Familia.

Barcelo Sants Hotel

We chose the 4-star Barcelo Sants Hotel for its proximity to the train station. Its futuristic, cutting-edge design was reminiscent of Star Wars and Star Trek – like an intergalactic space station. I had never seen a hotel with this theme before. So, when we arrived at the lobby, I immediately took out my camera. Snapping photos in the lobby, I felt transported to another world. I must say, it was really surreal!

My husband and I got a taste of Barcelona’s charm on our way to Sagrada Familia. Situated on the Mediterranean Sea, Barcelona is an enchanting seaside city with spectacular architecture that left me spellbound. Our taxi winded through its narrow cobblestone streets feeling like a maze and bouncing us at every turn. One detail that caught my observant eye, however, was the unique windows on each building, showcasing Spanish creativity and craftsmanship. I couldn’t help but admire them as we zipped by.

Sagrada Familia

As a Catholic, I knew that Sagrada Familia was a must-see basilica – an expiatory church of the Holy Family that draws tourists daily. But beyond knowing that it was an impressive Modernist structure, my husband and I knew very little about it. Thus, we were surprised when we got up close to the structure, realizing this towering church dominates a busy Barcelona street. Arriving to crowds gazing skyward, cameras ready, we were fascinated by the dramatic, yet almost gaudy, beauty. With its dizzying spires that was indeed breathtaking, we felt grateful for the chance to witness this indeed remarkable sight.

Note: “The Sagrada Família is a one-of-a-kind temple, for its origins, foundation and purpose. Fruit of the work of genius architect Antoni Gaudí, the project was promoted by the people for the people. Five generations now have watched the Temple progress in Barcelona. Today, more than 140 years after the laying of the cornerstone, construction continues on the Basilica.”

“To travel across Spain and finally to reach Barcelona is like drinking a respectable red wine and finishing up with a bottle of champagne.”

– James A. Michener, Writer

2 thoughts on “Barcelona

  1. This is wonderful. Thank you for sharing these places and your personal story as if I am also travelling while reading this.

    Enjoy the power of the present.

    God bless your travel with Mr. M.

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