pinay e-motion

a heart across the ocean

Off to Liverpool

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Friends, I have not forgotten you, nor has my blog become a relic in old forgotten blogs in the blogasphere . Apologies for being oh so naughty when it comes to staying current with my posting, but (and it’s a big but) I have been making moves on the international scene, more on that later. That being said, I’m excited to pick up where we left off in our Pinay adventures together.

Although life often moves fast, I want to cherish our time by sharing with you more tales from our slow travel adventures. I hope you’ll join me again as we meander through this winding path.

From Central London, my husband and I enjoyed a 3.5 hour train excursion to Liverpool, the Beatles’ hometown. Our train ride really surprised us. Considering our heavy luggage, we expected it to be rough, but our prayers were answered. Our angels came to our rescue and strategically put us on the first class car. How did it happen we had no clue. On a side note, we also did take in all the Fab 4 sites in London city, so don’t fret, again more on that later.

Indeed, it was a stunning train ride for us: quiet, very spacious, scenic sights, and friendly staff. Honestly, we would jump on board all over again in a heartbeat.

We booked our accommodation at Hard Days Night Hotel-Liverpool before we left. I must say this famous boutique hotel was quite unusual, as you might imagine. Every corner has a reminder of Beatles history, not to mention 24/7 Beatles music playing in the background, as you might imagine again (get it imagine). If you’re a Beatles maniac, then surely this is the place for you to exhibit your Beatlemania.

Hard Days Night Hotel Bar
Hard Days Night Hotel Restaurant
Hard Days Night Hotel Lobby/Reception Area

Matthew Street

Our first stop was on Matthew Street, which was just a few steps away from Hard Days Night Hotel. It’s the historic street where the Beatles started their musical journey before they were the Beatles. Now, the street is all hustle and bustle full of tourist traps with multiple cavern clubs replacing the original which was torn down to build a train track that was never developed.

We had a brunch in one of the cavern pubs. It was a duplicate of the original Cavern Pub where the Beatles used to play their gigs. As you can expect, there were a lot of Beatles fans touring the area, and being there was like coming home for a family reunion.

Out and About

Of course, our trip to Liverpool would not be complete without visiting places where the Beatles began: their schools, childhood homes, and neighborhoods. Our emotions were off the chart. Like many Beatles fans, we could not put our experience into words.

Liverpool College of Art where John and Cynthia Lennon’s met and studied
Ringo’s neighborhood
John’s childhood home
Paul’s neighborhood and the inspiration of his song “Penny Lane”

Beatles Museum

We also toured the Beatles Museum near the Sir Albert Dock, where the Fab 4 statues were looking on. The museum provided us with every important detail in the Beatles road to fame. There were so many items on display that after awhile I started feeling Beatles overload – well maybe not.

Realizations during our stay:

  1. While Liverpool may be a little more working class compared to posh London, it was charming and rich in so much history.
  2. We found Liverpudlians to be very friendly people and, of course, proud of their favorite lads.
  3. The food was great! We immediately recognized its freshness and lack of preservatives, which is hard to avoid in the US.
  4. The architectural buildings were something to behold. They had a diverse mix of historic and modern buildings that are just worth visiting.
  5. Expensive? I guess that was to be expected. But, nonetheless, the experience was worth every pound. After all, as we always say, we can’t put a price tag on the wonderful memories we create in our lifetime.

Thanks for reading! I’ll see you in my next post.

“You and I have memories
Longer than the road that stretches out ahead.”

– “On Our Way Home” Lennon/McCartney

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