pinay e-motion

a heart across the ocean

My 2022 Recap

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Happy New Year to all!

It has been a while since I posted something on my blog and there’s no excuse. The year 2022 was quite a busy year for me and, unfortunately, I just didn’t have the time (maybe that is an excuse albeit half-baked). But now that I’m back, let me fill you in on some of my highlights in 2022.

From Portugal, my husband and I flew back to Florida and started all over again. We moved to a townhouse close to the college where I resumed my work as an instructor.

I was given full teaching loads for the most part, teaching both ESOL and ELI courses. It was a busy year like I said, but, despite keeping soooooooooooo busy with my teaching responsibilities, I was pretty content and happy with my schedule as it were.

I also attended a number of professional development programs both in and out of the college. One highlight of my 2022, I must say, was serving in the regional TESOL organization as a board member. For me, getting the opportunity to serve the profession was indeed a remarkable experience.

My husband and I didn’t travel much last year. Instead, after avoiding in-person medical check-ups for the past couple of years due to the pandemic, we decided to face any health concerns head-on and get checked up. I had a complete medical test, some of which included seeing specialists and undergoing involved lab work/tests. Thankfully, all of them turned out to be uneventful, same for Mr. Wonderful.

During the last quarter of the year, some unexpected turn of events presented themselves that made the mister become more serious with his BIG idea of pursuing our slow travel plan. At first, I struggled with my decision because of my teaching job which I enjoy tremendously. However, my husband was persistent. He presented his convincing argument that eventually won me over.

After confirming our decision that we really wanted to travel, we didn’t waste time. Right after Christmas I informed my college of my intended self-imposed sabbatical leave. While my department did not see it coming and was quite surprised with my unexpected news, my dean and program supervisor were very supportive. No doubt I will miss everyone at work, but I’m sure I’ll get over it eventually.

As of this writing, my husband and I are just tying some loose ends up before embarking on our upcoming road-plane-train-ship-venture. Excited? I guess to use that adjective is an understatement. I am over the moon!

May 2023 be our best year yet. God bless!

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